The Netherlands’ Rotary Foundation Scholarship Program 2024-2025: A Gateway to Academic Excellence


With the Rotary Foundation Scholarships 2024-2025, you can study in the Netherlands. Applications for the Rotary Scholarships for Water and Sanitation Professionals, which are available to all international students, are being accepted from appropriately qualified candidates.

The Rotary Foundation (TRF) and the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education have a strategic cooperation that results in the scholarship. The goal of the scholarships is to help Rotarians and highly qualified water and sanitation experts in their areas build enduring, fruitful relationships.


1. Rotary Global Grants: The Rotary Foundation offers Global Grants to fund graduate-level coursework or research in one of Rotary’s six areas of focus, which include peace and conflict prevention and resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, and economic and community development.


2. Eligibility Criteria: Applicants are usually expected to demonstrate academic excellence, leadership qualities, and a commitment to making a positive impact in their communities and the world.

3. Application Process: The application process involves submitting a detailed proposal outlining the intended course of study or research, as well as the expected outcomes and impact. Rotary Global Grants often require the involvement and endorsement of a local Rotary club.

4. Local Rotary Clubs: Rotary clubs at the local level often play a crucial role in identifying and supporting qualified candidates for scholarships.

5. District and International Approval: Applications may go through a multi-step approval process involving local Rotary clubs, Rotary districts, and the international level.


    • Academic Excellence: Applicants are typically expected to demonstrate a strong academic record. This may include transcripts, diplomas, and other academic achievements.

    • Leadership and Community Service: Rotary places a strong emphasis on leadership and community service. Applicants are often evaluated based on their involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and community service.
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    • Commitment to Rotary’s Areas of Focus: Rotary Foundation scholarships are often aligned with Rotary’s six areas of focus, which include peace and conflict prevention and resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, and economic and community development. Applicants may be required to demonstrate how their studies or projects align with these areas.

    • Proposal or Project Outline: Applicants may be required to submit a detailed proposal outlining their intended course of study or research. This proposal may include information on the project’s goals, methods, and expected outcomes.

    • Endorsement by a Rotary Club: Rotary Global Grants, for example, often require the endorsement and support of a local Rotary club. Applicants may need to connect with a Rotary club in their home country or the country where they plan to study.

  • Application Deadlines: It is essential to submit all required documents and information on time. 1 April 2024.

Benefits of Scholarship

  • Financial Support: Rotary Foundation scholarships often provide financial assistance to cover tuition, fees, living expenses, and other educational costs. This financial support can relieve some of the financial burdens associated with pursuing higher education.

  • International Networking: Rotary Foundation scholarship recipients have the opportunity to connect with members of Rotary clubs around the world. This networking can lead to valuable connections, mentorship opportunities, and a broader understanding of different cultures.

  • Professional Development: Rotary Foundation scholarships support individuals who are committed to making a positive impact in their communities and the world. The educational and professional development gained through these scholarships can contribute to recipients’ leadership skills and ability to address global challenges.

  • Community Service Opportunities: Rotary is known for its commitment to community service. Scholarship recipients may have the chance to engage in service projects, both locally and globally, through their association with Rotary clubs. This involvement can deepen their understanding of social issues and their role in creating positive change.
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  • Alignment with Rotary’s Areas of Focus: The Rotary Foundation focuses on six key areas: peace and conflict prevention and resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, and economic and community development. Scholarship recipients often work on projects aligned with these areas, contributing to Rotary’s mission.

  • Cultural Exchange: Studying in a different country through a Rotary Foundation scholarship provides a unique opportunity for cultural exchange. Recipients can immerse themselves in a new environment, gain a global perspective, and develop intercultural competence.

  • Global Citizenship: Rotary Foundation scholarships emphasize the development of global citizenship. Recipients are encouraged to become ambassadors for goodwill and peace, fostering understanding and collaboration across borders.

  • Impactful Projects: Many Rotary Foundation scholarship programs support projects that have a positive and lasting impact on communities. Scholars may have the chance to contribute to sustainable development initiatives, healthcare projects, educational programs, and more.

Timing and Selection Process

    • Application Period and Submission: Apply for admission to the IHE Delft Master program in Water and Sustainable Development before April 1, 2024. After full completion, the sponsoring Rotary Club submits your application to the Rotary/IHE Delft selection committee in the Netherlands before April 15, 2024. The outcome of the selection will be known before May 15, 2024.

    • Review by Rotary Clubs: Local Rotary clubs play a significant role in the selection process. They may review applications, conduct interviews, and endorse candidates they believe align with Rotary’s values and objectives.

    • District Level Review: After the local Rotary club endorsement, applications may be forwarded to the Rotary district level for further review. Districts often have scholarship committees that assess applications and select candidates for district-level approval.
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    • Global Grant Application: For certain types of Rotary Foundation scholarships, such as Global Grants, additional steps may be involved, including the submission of a detailed project proposal. This proposal outlines how the candidate’s study or project aligns with Rotary’s areas of focus.

    • International Review: Once the applications have been reviewed at the local and district levels, they may be submitted for international review. The Rotary Foundation’s committees at the international level may assess the applications and make final selections.

    • Notification of Selection: Successful candidates are typically notified of their selection well in advance of the start of the academic term for which the scholarship is awarded.

    • Pre-Departure Preparations: Scholarship recipients are expected to fulfill any pre-departure requirements, such as paperwork, orientations, and other preparations. This may involve coordination between the Rotary Foundation, local Rotary clubs, and the scholarship recipient.

  • Follow-Up and Engagement: Rotary Foundation scholars are encouraged to stay engaged with Rotary clubs and communities. They may attend Rotary events, share their experiences, and contribute to Rotary’s mission during and after their scholarship period.

In Summary

The Rotary Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Rotary International, provides scholarships to support individuals pursuing graduate-level education or research in areas aligned with Rotary’s six focus areas. The programs focus on peace and conflict prevention and resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, and economic and community development.

Visit the Official Website for Further Details
